Yes they can. It doesn't change anything, as long as your attacted to girls, your a lesbian.
Yes, it's possible, just like a straight man could fall in love with a lesbian woman.
of course xD
When one lesbian loves another lesbian very much, they often deedle each other.
If you are sexually aroused by women.
Yes if she is a lesbian.
You could just be friends with this Lesbian for a while and then she may fall for you, not her current sexual partner.
who ever says its odd or weird to fall in love with lesbians or with the same gender its not odd its how they feel about the person its about the love they share :)
well ask ur self are in love with her or is lust if so show her u love her in every little way support her and hope 4 da best If she is a lesbian then a sexual relationship isn't on the cards That doesnt mean that you cant love each other without the sex.
yes she might be lesbian but be in love with a man too
Its up to the man
you just have to let her go, man. that's it, happened to me.
Because he is a gay man