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If you mean a legal resident alien, yes. If you mean a legal resident of Arizona, yes. If you mean a legal resident of another state- THAT depends on which gun. You may purchase a rifle or shotgun from a dealer in any state (unless you reside in CA) but you may only purchase a handgun in your home state.

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Q: Can a legal resident buy a gun in Arizona?
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Can you buy a gun in California if you are not a resident?

It's legal to purchase a gun out of state, but the gun is supposed to be shipped to a dealer in your state, and you have to go to THAT dealer to pick it up.

Can a Colorado resident buy a gun in Arizona?

Only if you're having it transferred to an FFL licenced dealer in Colorado (the most you should have to pay for receiving is $20 - $25). You could buy a long gun in Colorado or any state bordering Colorado - unfortunately for you, Arizona does not.

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You can not buy a gun in Wisconsin and live somewhere else. In order to by a gun in Wisconsin you have to live there.

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It depends on which version you have.

Is it legal to carry a gun into a bank in Arizona?

I hope so.

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If you are a resident of Virginia, and not prohibited from owning a gun, you may buy a gun from any other resident of Virginia. This applies in MOST states. If you are not a resident of Virginia, then you may buy a rifle or shotgun from a Virginia dealer, but not a private citizen. This is addressed in Federal law- US Code 18.922

What is the legal age to purchase a gun in California?

The legal age to buy a gun depends on the type of gun it is. For an example, to buy a rifle or shotgun(excluding assault rifles) you must be 18 years of age. To buy a handgun you must be 21.

Can you buy a gun in Colorado with Arizona residency?

Yes, but, you will have to have it transferred to a FFL in AZ.

Can a California resident buy a gun in Georgia?

No. You can purchase a gun from a Georgia dealer, have it shipped to an FFL licenced dealer in California for receiving, and receive it in California, but you can't purchase a gun in Georgia and carry it with you as a California resident. This is due to California's laws, not Georgia's.

What is one important gun law in Illinois?

To possess a gun or buy ammo in Illinois, a resident must have a Firearm Owner's Identification Card.

Where can you legally shoot a gun in Texas?

If you are an adult, a legal resident of the US, and not forbidden from owning a gun because of a criminal history, and are mentally competent, yes, it is legal. There are several million legal gun owners in Texas.