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Laminate floor cannot be refinished. It will have to be replaced. Hardwood flooring can be refinished.

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Q: Can a laminate floor be refinished?
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Can you put laminate floor on top of laminate floor?

Yes, you can.

Can you tile over a laminate floor?

Remove the laminate floor first

What type of buffing pad should you use on a laminate floor?

You should not buff a laminate floor.

Can you install laminate floor over laminate floor?

No, laminate is floating type of floor installed over an insulation pad. Hardwood floor has to be nailed, stapled or glued to the subfloor. If you do manage to install hardwood on top of laminate sooner or later your Laminate floor will expand due to high temperature or humidity and it will create gaps between hardwood planks.

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Can you put laminate floor over a vinyl floor?

If the vinyl is down tight , the answer is YES, Laminate con go over it

Where does floor laminate come from?


Will dance wax harm a composition wood floor such as pergo etc?

Pergo is a Laminate floor not a composite, but the answer is no the wax will neither harm nor help a laminate floor

How long can I expect a new laminate floor to last?

It is estimated that a laminate floor can last up to 20 years, before it needs replacing.

Which is better for the environment, a real wood floor product, or a laminate wood floor product?

A laminate wood floor product is better since it uses less actual wood that an all wood floor does.

Will antique pine furniture go with my barn oak laminate floor?

No, it will clash and look terrible. Get rid of the laminate and lay a solid wood floor. mark

Can you clean laminate flooring with steam?

No!!!! Please don't do this. You will ruin your floor. no, never. Steam cleaners and steam mops leave to much water on a laminate floor.