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Don't overdo it. Get your fiber from ideal sources such as vegetables. There should be no need to purchase fiber-specific products if your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain bread, seeds, legumes and some fruit.

Other information

  • Doctors and dieticians recommend losing weight gradually, allowing a whole month for every 4 to 8 pounds you want to lose. Do not starve yourself, or skip meals, or try throwing up. A cycle of diminished physical fitness will happen if you diet too quickly (too drastically). As soon as you ease up on a drastic diet, your weight will balloon up once again.
  • The most important thing is avoiding junk foods and sweetened drinks such as soda. Try to avoid refined flour and pasta, processed foods, fried foods, and fatty cuts of meat. Cut down on added sugar and added salt. Even for people who are not trying to lose weight, it is recommended to have no more than about 6 teaspoons of sugar per day (and many processed foods contain sugar, corn syrup or the like).
  • Eat 3 not-large-portioned meals per day; do not skip breakfast; and avoid sugary snacks. If you want a snack, try (for example) an apple or a handful of unsalted nuts. Limit your calories (best to consult a doctor or nutritionist concerning the amount), and weigh yourself at the same time each day, 2-3 times per week. If you see your weight diminishing at a safe, reasonable rate (1-2 pounds/week), keep it up.
Once you've reached your goal, increase your calorie intake somewhat, so that you can maintain your present weight. And you can then have small amounts of sweetened foods or junk food on occasion (if at all), along with your regular healthy foods. But keep checking your weight 2-3 times/week. Avoid crash-diets, fad diets, diet pills, etc. These may be harmful, and need not be considered by people who have adopted an otherwise healthy diet.
  • Don't concentrate on specific foods so much as on a balanced, healthy diet plus exercise. Healthy nutrition means eating what your body needs, while ingesting as few harmful things as possible. It has also been described as getting enough of each of the major food categories, in healthy forms (grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, etc.; plus plenty of water).
In general, an example of a healthy starting point could be a menu of whole-grain foods and bread, a good amount of vegetables, legumes, some fruits and nuts, fish, lean meats in not-large amounts, and some dairy. However, this may need adjusting according to one's lifestyle, age, health, weight and other factors at the outset; and also later, as one sees what works for him/her in particular.
  • More guidelines:
In addition to the diet described above, try to get plenty of moderate aerobic exercise (intense exercise may damage your joints). It isn't essential to join a gym; you can do sit-ups, pushups, dumbbell-lifting, jumping-jacks, and many other basic exercises at home. Walk as much as possible. Bicycling and swimming are good too. Even for people who are not trying to lose weight, being active helps your digestion, your circulation, and other body processes, and will help improve your mood. Also...whenever you feel queasy, nauseous, constipated or otherwise not completely well, try to remember what you've eaten over the last several hours or the last day. This is one factor in adjusting one's food habits.

Disclaimer: Sensible diet plans such as the one above may be good for most people, but there are exceptions. Some people with complications such as glandular or other disorders, may find the above plan to be insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.
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7y ago
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7y ago

Be sure your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain bread, seeds, legumes and some fruit.

See also the Related Link.

Eating healthily

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1y ago

A high-fiber diet can be a valuable component of a weight management and obesity prevention strategy. While it may not be a single, standalone solution, it can help reduce the risk of obesity when combined with other healthy lifestyle choices. Here are some reasons why a high-fiber diet may contribute to obesity prevention:

Increased satiety: Foods rich in dietary fiber tend to be more filling, which can help reduce overall calorie intake. When you feel full and satisfied, you're less likely to overeat, which is essential for weight control.

Slower digestion: Fiber-rich foods can slow down the digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to a steadier release of energy and fewer spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This can help control appetite and reduce the likelihood of overeating.

Low energy density: Many high-fiber foods, like fruits and vegetables, are low in calories but high in volume, which means you can eat larger portions without consuming excessive calories. This helps control calorie intake while still feeling satisfied.

Improved gut health: Fiber promotes a healthy gut microbiome, which can play a role in regulating body weight and metabolism. A well-balanced gut microbiome can help with nutrient absorption and may influence weight management.

Reduced absorption of dietary fat: Some types of dietary fiber can bind to dietary fat in the digestive system, reducing its absorption. This can lead to lower overall calorie intake and contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Better blood sugar control: A high-fiber diet can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of insulin resistance, a condition associated with obesity.

Lower risk of metabolic syndrome: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of obesity and related health issues. A high-fiber diet may help lower the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

It's important to note that a high-fiber diet should be part of an overall healthy eating plan that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods and is combined with regular physical activity for the best results in reducing the risk of obesity. Additionally, individual factors, genetics, and overall lifestyle play a significant role in weight management, so a holistic approach is recommended for obesity prevention.

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How does a high-fiber diet help to treat diabetes and obesity?

Soluble fiber in the diet slows down the rise of blood sugar levels following a meal and helps control diabetes. Obesity. Dietary fiber makes a person feel full faster.

What is the benefit of a high fiber diet?

Eating a high-fiber diet can provide a variety of health benefits. Fiber helps to regulate digestive health, reduce cholesterol levels, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, and may even help to reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Additionally, getting enough fiber in your diet can help you to maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk of obesity. Studies have found that people who eat a high-fiber diet tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and smaller waist measurements than those who follow a low-fiber diet. Furthermore, a high-fiber diet can help to keep you feeling full for longer, and can help to reduce hunger cravings. This can be especially helpful for people who are trying to lose weight, as it can help them to keep their caloric intake in check. Finally, fiber can help to reduce constipation and other digestive issues, by helping the body to move waste more quickly.

Can diet help with rectal cancer?

High-fiber diets and vitamins, avoiding obesity, and staying active lessen the risk

What are some good ideas on how to reduce belly fat?

One good way to reduce belly fat is by increasing the amount of fiber in your daily diet. There are some great high fiber snacks on the market, specifically a wide range of high fiber crackers.

Where can I find a diet that is high in fiber? is a great website for your needs. It is very thorough and has a great list of high-fiber foods. +If that website is not for you try

Is the Western diet high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

Is the western diet is high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

need a high fiber diet please?

please send a high fiber diet to follow? thank you!!

What kind of diet prevents cancer?

A diet high in fiber and low in saturated fats.

Where can I found out about high fiber diet?

WebMD and your doctor will provide you with all of the information you need about any kind of diet, including a high fiber diet. A diet high in fiber is great at regulating your system and keeping your insides healthy.

Is fiber fattening?

Depends what food your getting your fiber from.

What are some of the best high fiber foods to include in a healthy diet?

High fiber bran flakes in the morning are a great way to add fiber to your diet.