Yes, guys LOVE tomboys because they can relate to them. They usually like them as friends and if they have a girly side to them, they might have a shot at love!
You call them both or a girly girlish tomboy.
A girl chooses to be a tomboy or a girly girl. If she chooses to be a tomboy, she might pick a nickname like Kat or Kit.
she was a tomboy when she was little but she is a girlie girl now ={)
Ashley is the girly girl. Mary Kate is a tomboy.
Girly girl…I know her in real life
Not really, Hermione is more of a tomboy than Ginny.
In icarly sam is not a tomboy well like shes a tomboy and girly a the same time like shes not girly and shes not a tomboy well the way she acts its kinda a tom boy but shes like normal the way she dresses not a tomboy and not girly.[;
no unlesss you are already a tomboy ...a girly girl can rock a snapback
you don't. accept her as she is.
Ashley is more girly gril Mary-kate is more the rock type tomboy girl
Yea if you watch Icarly or Hannah Montana Lilly Or sam is tomboy Carly or Miley is girly Me and my bff are like that im kinda in the middle but im more tomboyish or just a girl they are lots of Girly girl and tomboys that are friends. Yeah. My best friend was a girly girl and I was a tomboy.
well its not really a choice i can make because its about what you want and how you feel. but i would say be a girly girl while your young!! enjoy make up and all that good stuff!