It should fire even better, provided two things: 1) the cartridge case does not rupture from its internal pressure, and 2) it remains sealed so that the gunpowder will ignite.
Yes, a gun can fire in zero gravity because the mechanisms that make a gun work are not dependent on gravity. However, the recoil from firing a gun in zero gravity could be more difficult to control than on Earth due to the lack of gravity affecting the shooter's stability.
The ultimate objective of a manufactured vacuum is zero pressure.The better the vacuum, the closer the pressure is to zero.
The space with a pressure of zero pascals is called a vacuum. In a vacuum, there is an absence of gases and atmospheric pressure.
If it is a perfect vacuum, any amount of it will have zero pressure.If it is a perfect vacuum, any amount of it will have zero pressure.If it is a perfect vacuum, any amount of it will have zero pressure.If it is a perfect vacuum, any amount of it will have zero pressure.
In a vacuum, there is no oxygen present to support combustion. As a result, fire is unable to burn and will extinguish.
Vacuum is measured in inHg or inches of mercury and a true vacuum is anything below zero on this scale...for reference normal atmospheric pressure or air pressure is about 14.7 inHg so anything less than that could be expressed as a vacuum or less than atmospheric pressure if above zero but less than 14.7 can measure this with a vacuum gauge that you can get at any autoparts store but you can feel a vacuum as a suction just like your vacuum cleaner....So a vacuum is anyththing zero inHg or below and a partial vacuum is anything between zero and 14.7 inHg.
Samus with her armor off. She is covered in a blue, forming wetsuit and has a small gun known as a Paralyzer. The gun can fire a projectile that temporarily paralyzes an enemy and also can act as a whip.
Zero has a gun that was given to him for vampire protection from the headmaster. He keeps it for that reason.
Gun on Ice Planet Zero was created on 1978-10-22.
If you fired a gun in a spaceship it would act like a gun on Earth, regardless of gravity level. But it couldn't fire in open space since there is no oxygen for combustion and since it is two degrees above absolute zero and lubricants will freeze jamming the gun.