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Pregnant women do not get periods. Some women do bleed during pregnancy but this needs to be checked by a Dr immediately.

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Q: Can a girl stay pragnent after her period?
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You are 26 year old and with out medicine your period not come Can you get pragnent normally?

Yes this is a possibility.

How do you get pragnent fast?

If you can't spell 'pregnant' correctly - you need to stay in school and study your lessons more - instead of procreating !

How can you andestand when you were pragnent?

One of the surest sign is if you have missed your period. But there are also many pregnancy checking strips available in market.

Can a rabbit be pragnent?

yes..their mammals

What are the requirement to be pragnent?

requirements to pragnent a women is just insert ur dick directly into womens vagina, dont use condoms.

Is Vannessa Anne Hudgens pragnent?

No, she is not pregnant.

What to do when you get your period for the first time?

First, Stay Calm. It is a normal thing and it happens to every girl. Now, tell your mom.

Why Miley Cyrus is pragnent?

She's Not Pregnant.Maybe/Possibly In a Couple Years Though.

What if you think you are pragnent and you just got off your pireod?

then you should learn to spell?

Why does a period stay on so long?

A period stay on for so long because of environmental changes.

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