Pregnant women do not get periods. Some women do bleed during pregnancy but this needs to be checked by a Dr immediately.
Yes this is a possibility.
If you can't spell 'pregnant' correctly - you need to stay in school and study your lessons more - instead of procreating !
One of the surest sign is if you have missed your period. But there are also many pregnancy checking strips available in market.
yes..their mammals
requirements to pragnent a women is just insert ur dick directly into womens vagina, dont use condoms.
No, she is not pregnant.
First, Stay Calm. It is a normal thing and it happens to every girl. Now, tell your mom.
She's Not Pregnant.Maybe/Possibly In a Couple Years Though.
then you should learn to spell?
A period stay on for so long because of environmental changes.
a girl 17 hasn't had a period what is wrong
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