NO. Egg present in fallopian tubes near womb at the end of Vaginal sheath
need sperm to form zygote and get pregnenet. The sperm injected by male
into butt is wasted reaches potty stand expelled while using wash room.
So if u want to make girl pregnanat use her reproducting private part
that is vaginal opening to inject male sperm
it is girl and it is pregnant or it is fat
its probably having a period if it's a girl or maybe its pregnant.
yes if you make sex 15 times
A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.
Do you mean can you get pregnant from anal sex? No, you can't, if that's what you're asking...
If you stuck it in her butt and she says your the daddy, its nor yours, you don't need to go on Maury.
Urban legend. Men do not get pregnant. They do not have the organs to do so. If they DID have those organs, they would be women, not men.
If a girl did that to me I would spank her on the butt and walk away
well i dont judge but you shouldnt be having sex at such a young age. first doesthe 9 year old im guessing this is the girl have her period. once a girl has had her period she can get pregnant but it all depends on if the guy has gone through pubertyso if the girl hasnt gotten her period yet the answer is no she cant be pregnant. but if she has gotten it and the guy has gone through puberty yes it is possible for the girl to be pregnant. if the guy hasnt gone through puberty once again the answer is no. so she can only be pregnant if the guy has gone through puberty and the girl has gottenher period.
If the kids have gone through puberty, if the girl is ovulating and the boy is producing sperm, yes they can get pregnant.