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Yes but its not legal to have sex until 16.

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Q: Can a girl get pregnant at age 15?
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What if you get a girl pregnant at age 15?

Than She can become the yougest grandmother in the world.

Is it possible for a 15 year old to become pregnant?

as long as the girl has her menstruation ansd is healthy she can get pregnant despite her age

Can u get pregnant at the age 12?

A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.

What age do most teen girls get pregnant?

most teenagers get pregnant at age 15

Whats the Youngest age you can get pregnant?

a girl can get pregnant at one year old

What is the youngest age a boy can get a girl pregnant?

Whenever the male begins to produce sperm he can get a girl pregnant.

Could a man be prosecuted if he got a girl pregnant at 15 but 16 when gave birth in England?

Yes, because the act of intercourse was consummated while the girl was under the age of consent.

Can a 16 year old girl get arrested for getting pregnant by a 15 year old?

No she cant the truth is you can have a baby any age with anyone if you have a period

Can a 15 year old pregnant girl move in with her 17 year old boyfriend in Britain?

No she has to be 16 for that. And I doubt you will be able to support yourself at that age.

age of conception means?

Age of conception is the age when a girl is physically capable of becoming pregnant.

Is it right to get a girl pregnant at 15?

{| |- | Of course not. In almost all states and countries, the legal age of consent is 16. Getting someone younger pregnant is going to be considered a crime, perhaps even statutory rape. |}

What is the youngest age a filly can get pregnant?

The youngest age for a girl to get pregnant is 14 but it's safe to get pregnant only after the age of 18. not really ! well basically a girl can get pregnant from the age of 10! coz that when periods start!