Yes, it is possible. Ovulation comes before the period, so you could be having your first ovulation.
Yes, but not likely.
If you have not had your menstrual cycle in three months and this has not happened to you before and you are engaging in sexual intercourse, whether protected or not, there is a great chance you are pregnant.
Peri-menopause is the term used before menstrual periods end. The transition between peri-menopause and pre menopause when estrogen begins stopping the menstrual periods.
The common causes of missed menstrual periods include: 1. Having an irregular cycle. This is common in girls first starting their periods. 2. Being pregnant. 3. Being in perimenopause. That is the 1-3 years before full menopause. 4. Starvation and eating disorders. 5. Severe stress.
Yes Menopause can change the period .Menopause is defined as the time when there has been no menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months and no other biological or physiological cause can be identified.
The most possible time to get pregnant is between day 11 and 18 of your menstrual cycle.
no a toddler can not get pregnant as you have to have started your periods before you can become pregnant
after you have finished with your periods and before the next periods starts .
a woman can get pregnant before one or two days of her periods --- A woman has a lesser chance of falling pregnant with in the first week after her period. After the first week she is at high chance of falling pregnant, especially within the last week before her period. ----
Yes, before you get your period for the first time you ovulate so then you can get pregnant.
No. Before you menstruate you ovulate and you don't do that when you are pregnant.
No! Your body simply ain't ready to be pregnant.
In most cases pain is starting just before menstruation and staying almost for full duration of the menstrual bleeding. Menstrual cramps can range from mild to quite severe. Mild menstrual cramps may be barely noticeable and of short duration - sometimes felt just as a sense of light heaviness in the belly. Severe menstrual cramps can be so painful that they interfere with a woman's regular activities for several days. You can discover all causes of menstrual cramps in recommended link.