OK if you are 16 years old and your on a date the girl can be 14 or 15 years old to date you.
Yes. If they are both the age of dating. I would say 2 years apart would be very good.
It depends on your gender, if you are a male and want to date a girl that is four years older than you, then go for it, it might be a little weird to your friends, but if she is the girl for you then it does not matter. If you are a girl and dating a boy that is four years older than you then it is ok. You can date whoever you want, its a free country and you can be as out there as you can.
Yes They Wouldd
Only 3 years apart! Of corse you can date him! My Mom and Dad are 4 years apart!And yes
No, because it's too young for him...Cole is 16 and he will date an eleven year old girl?!!? Maybe 12 above will be OK...because just 4 years apart...or not!!
depends on the original age. If they are both over 18, or if they are both under 18 then yes.
its only 3 years apart. i would says its ok
its up to you but i would wait till you was a bit older to date someone who is four years older than you.
I don't think so
yes! he can date a girl that is 20 years old
age isn't really important unless it's like ten years apart. besides 18 from 14 is only four years.