There are no laws for dating, that is up to the parents to decide. There is however laws regarding sex where the minors must have reached age of consent in their state.
OK if you are 16 years old and your on a date the girl can be 14 or 15 years old to date you.
Yes. If they are both the age of dating. I would say 2 years apart would be very good.
It depends on your gender, if you are a male and want to date a girl that is four years older than you, then go for it, it might be a little weird to your friends, but if she is the girl for you then it does not matter. If you are a girl and dating a boy that is four years older than you then it is ok. You can date whoever you want, its a free country and you can be as out there as you can.
Yes They Wouldd
Only 3 years apart! Of corse you can date him! My Mom and Dad are 4 years apart!And yes
No, because it's too young for him...Cole is 16 and he will date an eleven year old girl?!!? Maybe 12 above will be OK...because just 4 years apart...or not!!
depends on the original age. If they are both over 18, or if they are both under 18 then yes.
its only 3 years apart. i would says its ok
its up to you but i would wait till you was a bit older to date someone who is four years older than you.
I don't think so
yes! he can date a girl that is 20 years old
age isn't really important unless it's like ten years apart. besides 18 from 14 is only four years.