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Only if your parents adopt her.

Yes if your mom or dad marries your friends mom or dad.

OR if you become soul sisters.

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9mo ago

Legally, a friend cannot become your sister. Sisterhood is a relationship defined by family ties through blood, adoption, or sometimes marriage, while friendship is based on personal connection and choice. However, friends can become like family and hold a special bond similar to siblings.

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Q: Can a friend legally become your sister?
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Who is legally next of kin half sister or nephew?

Legally, the next of kin is typically determined by the nearest blood relative, so in this case the half sister would likely be considered next of kin before a nephew. However, laws can vary by jurisdiction, so it's important to consult with a legal professional for specific advice.

Does Massachusetts have an emancipation statute that allows minors to become emancipated?

No, Massachusetts does not have a specific emancipation statute that allows minors to become legally emancipated. Minors in Massachusetts are considered legally emancipated when they turn 18, as this is the age of majority in the state.

Are parents legally responsible for 18 year old child is living out of their home in ny?

In New York, parents are generally not legally responsible for their 18-year-old child once the child is no longer living in their home. Once the child reaches the age of majority (18 in New York), they are considered adults and are responsible for themselves.

Can your sister keep you out of your parents house to get your personnal items and can she decide what you are supposed to receive for your share of the inheritance?

Legally, your sister cannot keep you from accessing your personal items in your parents' house. As a co-heir, you are entitled to your share of the inheritance as determined by your parents' will or the intestacy laws of your state. If your sister is acting inappropriately, you may need to seek legal advice to enforce your rights.

How can you legally become a Scottish Laird?

To legally become a Scottish laird, you can buy a plot of land in Scotland that includes the title of lairdship. The title of laird is not officially or legally recognized by the UK government, but it is a traditional Scottish honorific title associated with landownership. It is important to ensure that the land you purchase comes with the legal right to use the title of laird.

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Can your cousin legally become your sister?

Your cousin could legally become your step-sister. Your cousin could legally become your sister if she were adopted by your mother or father. This is because by law persons adopted by others are considered children of the adopting persons.

Can your best friend legally become your sister?

i would love to know because im so close with one of mine, we call each other soul sistas. but i think you can legally.

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The possessive form is my sister's friend.

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Can my sister legally take my moms checking and savings out when we were both executors

What do you do if your friend is dating your sister?

Nothing. Your friend is dtill your friend and your sister is still your sister. They'll probably break up anyway.

What it the Irish for 'your sister and friend'?

'Your sister and friend' is 'Do dheirfiúr agus do chara'.

Is a half sister who has been adopted by a step parent legally still your sister?

Yes, i would like to think so, I think that you are legally relate..

Can your friend become your sisters' best friend?

Yes. I would know from experience. It may be frustrating sometimes when you want to hang out with them and so does your sister, but then you can all hang out together. You can just both have the same friend.

Is your sister's husband's sister's son related to your sister's friends?

Your sister's husband's sister is your sister's sister-in-law. The only way her son could be related to your sister's friend's son is if your sister's friend, or the friend's spouse, is related to your sister's sister-in-law or to the sister-in-law's husband. In other words, without knowing more about the relationships of the people involved, the question cannot be answered.

What is the best way to find a friend on club penguin?

you can go on a full server and see if the pet shop is full of kids wanting parents. walk up to a penguin u want to be a sister with, and ask her if u can be her sister. if she says yes then you have a sister, but ur not friends yet. when you and your sister get a mom you can grow up together and become sister/friends. that's even better than a friend!

How do you feel when a sister hangs out with a friend that threaten family?

dont hang out with sister and keep away from friend

How do you go about dating your friend's sister?

don't date your friends sister bad ideal it will mess up your friendship with the friend really bad ideal all relationships have problems but remember blood is thicker than water.AnswerOkay sometimes it is okay to date a friend's sister. Just make sure it's okay with your friend. But remember that they were your friend before you met her so your friend should come first. And if your friend is okay with you dating their sister remember that they're not going to want to know about what goes on behind closed doors. So make sure you remember that she is their sister and they don't want to hear details about what goes on between the to of you. And make sure you make time for your friend, other wise things might not go the way you want them to. It also helps if you become friends with that friends sister before you ask them out. :)