No, 5 years difference way to much. 3 years max.
I like this arbitrary number set by the previous answerer. If both parties are willing, and the 14 year old's parents approve, there's no reason to prohibit dating, though sexual relations are out of the question for another 4 years.
It is generally not socially or legally acceptable for a 14-year-old to date a 20-year-old due to the significant age difference and power dynamics involved. These relationships can be harmful and raise concerns about manipulation, coercion, and the potential for exploitation. It's important for individuals to date within appropriate age ranges for their stage of development to ensure healthy and consensual relationships.
no there iz nufing wrong with it at all it depends if the 19-20 year old is wanting sex or any thing like that then yes its wrong but if you dont have any sexual intercourse and your just in love then no nothing the matter my cousion iz 13 and shes in love with a 17 year old and they have kissed but therez nowt wrong with that xxx
Well I guess it is possible but it is also really strange......for the girl not for the boy. If you have 18 years old and u are a girl than you should date someone more appropriate around your age or it can be someone younger but only a few years like 1 or 2 . For the boy I think it's ok because he will get experienced and be proud of himself
Any sexual contact would be illegal pretty much anywhere in the world.
There are no laws regarding dating, only sex where you have to be age of cosnent. Since you are minors your parents would have to agree to you dating. However, I doubt a 14yo would be interested in a 9yo.
Another PerspectiveDating is a form of courtship in its preliminary stages. Its many forms vary from culture to culture. In some countries courtship is a business arrangement where little girls as young as four and five are promised to older men in marriage, and delivered to begin the duties as wife by the time they are eleven or twelve.
In the Western world dating begins a person's search for a life partner or just companionship. However, the age difference mentioned in the question is inappropriate. A fourteen year old has usually reached puberty and sexual awakening. Any situation where a fourteen year old has expressed an interest in or is attracted to a nine year old child should be examined carefully for child sexual abuse which often begins with youthful offenders.
He will probably blackmail her like Amanda Todd OR probably abtuct her.
According to the usual (hundreds) form, it is the year "twenty fourteen."(also twenty-fourteen, but the numeral is almost always preferred)*The form two thousand fourteen is still heard, a carryover from calling the years 2000 to 2009 by the millennial year rather than the hundred (e.g. twenty-oh-one, twenty-oh-nine).
The number is "two thousand fourteen."The year may be expressed as "twenty fourteen."
Not if it involves physical relations.
go out with a bot in your age i'm go out with i bot in my age
Spread your legs.
Why, she's too young for it
PAPER BOY!!! or girl
The number 1421 is "one thousand four hundred and twenty-one." The year 1421 would be spoken "fourteen twenty-one."
About 129 pounds :)