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You need a lawyer and money to try to get your right to bear arms back once you are a convicted felon.

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Q: Can a felon purchase and possess a firearm in Missouri?
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Can a felon in Missouri conceal and carry a firearm?

A felon MAY NOT, under any circumstances, purchase, possess, or have access to firearms. That it federal law, and does not vary between states.

How can a felon get pardoned to possess a firearm?

Being pardoned does not allow a felon to possess a firearm. Only an overturning of the conviction can do that.

Can a convicted felon own a firearm anyplace in the US?

A convicted felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms anywhere in the US.

Can you purchase a firearm after being released from probation for felony stealing?

No. A felon may not purchase, possess, or be granted access to firearms.

Can a person with a felony purchase a shotgun in Florida?

A felon cannot purchase or possess a firearm of any type. This goes for every state

Can a family own a firearm if one of them is a felon?

Typically, no. While the one family member being a felon doesn't impede on the right of other family members to possess a firearm, the felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to a firearm. Even if the firearms are kept locked up in a safe which the convicted felon does not have the means to get into, their proximity is considered to be them having access to firearms.

Can a convicted felon possess a firearm in California?


Can an ex felon who has gotten a pardon in New Mexico possess a firearm?

No. A pardoned felon did not have their conviction go away - they were simply "forgiven" for their offence. They still remain a conviction felon, and as such may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms.

Can a convicted felon be around a firearm in NC?

No. A felon may not purchase, possess, or have access tofirearms. This is federal law, and applies to the whole of the United States.

Can you carry concealed when driving with a felon?

No. Under federal law, a felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms. Being in the presence of a felon with a firearm is treated as granting them access.

Can a felon at age 75 possess a gun?

Generally speaking no felon (regardless of their age) is allowed to possess a firearm.

If someone plead guilty to a felony can they own a firearm?

No. A convicted felon may not purchase, possess, or be given access to firearms.