A felon cannot legally purchase a shotgun anywhere in the U.S. unless the felon's rights have been restored.
You will need a lawyer.
Can a felon rent apartments in nc
18 for rifle or shotgun, 21 for handgun.
This is what I was told by a federal game warden it is not illegal for a felon to hunt with a black powder gun or a standard bow. A crossbow is illegal. A crossbow, shotgun, rifle, or any handgun it is illegal for a felon to possess.
A convicted felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms ANYWHERE in the United States as per federal law.
You need to consult with a lawyer familiar with firearms law.
NoANS2:In the US, there isn't anything prohibiting your neighbor from selling you a shotgun if you are not under disability (i.e., a convicted felon, mentally deficient, drug addict, etc.)
Federal law- anywhere in the US- 10 years for the shotgun, 5 years for felon in possession.
Yes, as long as you are not a convicted felon.