First off, I assume that you are talking about magazines, not clips. Neither the SVD Dragunov or AK-47 use clips. The answer is no. The SVD uses a 7.62x54 round, while the AK-47 uses the 7.62x39 round. In basic terms, the SVD uses a larger round and thus a larger magazine than the AK-47.
The Dragunov and the AK 47 are 2 different guns. As for the cost of a Dragunov, original Russian rifles can fetch $4000 or better on the US market, while Chinese copies are still capable of running into the $3000 range.
ITs located on the right side of the gun, and its a simple AK-47 style pullback
There Black.
Normally 30 rounds per clip
The A&K SVD Sniper Rifle (Dragunov) is a Soviet rifle that was introduced in 1958 and accepted in the military on 1969. It is an adaptation of the AK-47 which was made to accurately keep troops at 650 meters. The Dragunov is a semi-automatic rifle chambered in 7.62x54Rmm. The maximum effective range of the Dragunov is 850 meters while the maximum range is 1,300 meters with scope. The Dragunov was designed by Evgeny Dragunov.
It makes the gun look like an ak47.
30 ammo per clip and maximum ammo is 210 (including 30 inside the clip)
The banana clip that is standard issue with the AK-47 holds either 30 or 32 rounds, I can't remember which. 30 for sure; fine tuning of this answer welcomed by someone more in the know.
* MP5 * M4 CARBINE * AK-47 * AK-74u * M16 * DRAGUNOV * M404A3 * M21 * BARRET .50 CAL * DEAGLE (DESEART EAGLE) * USP.45 * RPD * RPG (NOOBY) * M60 * AND MANY MORE :O
The "47" in "AK-47", refers to the weapons date of Patton (1947).
No, because AK-47s are Russian. But you can own an AK-47 u.