Simply stated, no, they cannot tell because you are the doctor's patient and thus, you're protected by doctor-patient confidentiality. However, depending on your age, they may alert social services.
how do you go see a doctor to see if your pregnant with out your parents knowing
A way to tell your parents that you are pregnant is to tell them with spoiling them.a good way to that is to take them out to eat or buy them something they really want.
If you are 18 or older. If not you are pregnant minor and still your parents responsiblity and they can tell you what to do.
Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.
Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.
First, ask your mother to take you to the doctor to verify if you are pregnant. You can then tell the boyfriend. As a child, you should expect your parents to lead the way to what happens next. Answer Just say "I'm pregnant". Then decide what you want to do regarding keeping it, adoption or abortion and if you decide to keep it, invite him and his parents so they know too. I would say your biggest issue is not telling him you are pregnant.
a doctor isn't allowed to tell anyone about what any of their patients says to him/her except another doctor - this is called the hypocratic oath. But in a situation like this who knows really...legally he is not supposed to.
well i dont think if ur older that 16 but i think u should tell ur pARENTS PREGNANCY IS VER STRESSFULL AND IMPORTANT TO GET ALL THAT =WEIGHT OFF UR SHOULDERS
If you're seeing an obstetrician (OB doctor) logic dictates that you're pregnant and the doctor won't have to tell your parents because time will.(If you mean an Ob/Gyn,and you are seeing the doctor in their capacity as gynecologist, of course then it does not necessarily follow that you are pregnant.)Depending on your age and what state you live in, most likely the doctor is not allowed to tell your parents whether you are sexually active. This is to promote trust between patient and doctor, without which useful medical care is unlikely.If in doubt of local laws, call the doctor's office and ask what their policy is. If you are worried about anonymity, you might either call a different doctor's office to ask or look up the number of a local Planned Parenthood clinic and ask them.
your doctor or pharmacy-both have tests which will tell you if you are pregnant.
They do a blood or urine test to find the hormones that indicate you are pregnant
Speak and tell. Write and make them read. Go to doctor who will tell them. Tell a relative or friend, who tell your parents.