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There is no point in doing a pelvic exam at 5 weeks. A sonogram will show if you are pregnant.

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Q: Can a doctor tell you are pregnant by a pelvic exam as early as 5 weeks?
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Can a doctor tell your pregnant by pelvic exam at 16 weeks and is it possible it could be missed?

Sure.....with a pelvic exam a doctor can tell you whether you are pregnant as early as 6 weeks by checking the size of the uterus, tubes as well as a bluish tinge on your cervix

Can a pelvic exam at 8 weeks show a not pregnant and be wrong?

Yes, a pelvic exam can be wrong in determining early pregnancy. By 8 weeks, a blood test or home test can be done. Actually, earlier than that. At 8 weeks, the fetus is so small it can be missed by a doctor if they don't know to be looking for it. Sometimes even if they do know they're looking for it.

At 14 weeks pregnant where in the stomach is the baby postioned?

At 14 weeks pregnant the baby is still positioned mostly behind the pelvic bone. The growth of a uterus at 14 weeks gestation is about a inch above the top of the pelvic bone.

Is a pelvic examination an accurate way of telling how weeks pregnant?

No, but ultrasonography is.

Im 2 weeks early with my period what does that mean?

It means your hormones are wacky and your ovaries released an egg early. Still, you might want to tell your doctor so he or she can do a pelvic exam or a pap smear.

If I am 2 weeks late for my period having mild pelvic cramps 5 negative pregnancy tests tired all the time am i pregnant or is something wrong?

Go see your doctor about it. If you are throwing up, you may be pregnant.

Your doctor thinks you are 6 weeks pregnant but cant see a heart beat yet Is there somthing wrong or is it to early?

6 week pregnant but no but cant see heart beat. what does this mean and is it to early to see ?

Is 25 weeks pregnant too early for contractions?

It's unusual - if you have any concerns - see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible !

Is 30 weeks pregnant too late to see a doctor?

When your pregnant it's never too late to see a doctor,but 30 weeks pregnant is too late to have an abortion.

How pregnant do you have to be before telling the doctor?

You have to be at least 2 weeks pregnant.

Is it normal to be 6 weeks pregnant and take 5 home tests and they all be negative but still be pregnant?

if you have been confirmed as pregnant by the doctor - it is still possible in these early stages of pregnancy for tests to come back negative, i would check with the doctor to be sure.

How early to determine if pregnant?

2 weeks