Park Tower
It is highly unlikely.
There is no such form. Your question doesn't say - but If you are a convicted felon, Federal law forbids convicted felons from ever owning or possessing a firearm or ammunition. (US Code, Title 18)
Yes, and many do.
Question makes no sense. If you weren't convicted there is no statute of limitations.
A felon may not own, possess, or be allowed access to firearms ANYWHERE in the United States, as per federal law.
It depends on what you mean by "ex" felon. Generally speaking, there is no such thing as an ex felon. People typically used the term ex-felon to mean someone who is no longer in prison, but the person still a felon. If a person has a felony on his record, he cannot legally own or even possess a firearm, and no state will issue a gun permit to him. The exception to that is a felon who has had his rights restored. This is something you have to request through a legal process, so if that has happened, the felon will know it.
To my knowledge, If you are a Convicted Felon then you are forbidden from owning/possessing a firearm in ALL states, not just one area. I admit I could be wrong about this, if anyone else has better information feel free to update this answer.
No, I was offered this type of Probation in TX, the Judge told me that if I completed my probation that there would be no record of conviction.
Unable to asnwer this question. There is no way to know the individual hiring and employment practices of every hospital in the state of TX.