A felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms in ANY part of the United States.
NO. Nowhere in the US is a convicted felon able to legally possess a firearm.
This is what I was told by a federal game warden it is not illegal for a felon to hunt with a black powder gun or a standard bow. A crossbow is illegal. A crossbow, shotgun, rifle, or any handgun it is illegal for a felon to possess.
NC DOJ (attorney general's office) says that a convicted felon shall not posses a handgun (any kind of pistol), weapon of mass destruction, or a rifle with a barrel length less than 26 inches.
Yes, as long as you are not a convicted felon.
The felony charge and degree of felony must be known to answer this question.
No. A felon may not purchase, possess, or have access tofirearms. This is federal law, and applies to the whole of the United States.
Nope, Applies to the other 49 states as well, Federal law.
Felons are prohibited by Federal law from owning any firearm.