I'm 15 and got my lip done yesterday , I live in the UK. If your under 16 you need parental consent . But places like the US won't let you til 18. :D
I don't see why not, im 16 but i got mine pierced when i was 14
only when accompanied by an adult
On your lip...
He was 13 when he got his lip pierced =]
Yes it is okay, 14 days after gettin it pierced... it should be okay one week after getting it done.
Dougie Had his Lip Pierced on his Left Hand side.
Different people's bodies react differently, but yes, your lip can swell after getting it pierced.
you have to be 14, in order to get it done without parents permission.
A pierced lip, there is no meaning, just a pierced lip. Body piercing, no matter where it is, is self expression. You either pierce yourself for show, maybe it means something to you.
yeah I think you can get your lip pierced at 15 in Indiana
you have to wait 2 hours before you eat anything if you have your lip pierced.
Well Really You Can Get It Pierced At Any Tatto Parlor