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your babies blood can.. not your blood nothing in the mothers blood indicates the child's gender

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Q: Can a blood test tell you the gender of your baby?
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Is it true that there is a blood test that can tell you the gender of a baby while being pregnant?

yes there is but its not accurate and they are NOT willing to provide money back! but there is a urine test called intelligender which some say it works.. and its about $40... whereas the blood test is $500...

How do you tell the gender of an Amazon parrot?

It's pretty much impossible to determine the gender of any parrot, baby or adult without a dna test. These tests are inexpensive and do not harm the bird, there are 2 ways that vets can do this. The first is by blood sample and the second is by taking a wing feather, of these 2 options the blood test is the less invasive.

What is a reliable medical baby gender predictor test?

There are no reliable gender predictions outside actually getting an ultrasound done and having the doctor tell you the gender. There are a lot of unproven theories regarding early gender prediction, but to be certain its always best to just get a picture taken.

Test to see if baby a girl or boy?

There is no real test to figure out gender before your ultrasound.

Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?

Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.Yes

Which test indicates the sex of the unborn with a 100 percent accuracy?

The ultrasound test is the most accurate test used to determine the gender of a baby.

How can blood test be a solution to baby switching?

Blood tests can test for DNA. DNA tests can be used to make sure that the baby's DNA matches the parents' DNA.

Can you tell a hamster is a boy or a girl by its fur?

No. You can only tell a hamster's gender by a DNA test or the other generally used method fortelling any animal's gender.

Can you tell paternity by blood type?

You can not tell paternity by blood type. You can rule out paternity by blood type. For example, if both parents are O negative and the baby is type A positive, you can rule out paternity. The only way to determine paternity is by a DNA test. A few of the baby's hairs and the father's hairs can be sent to a lab. The lab can determine paternity.

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How can you get the gender of a person through a drop of blood?

Assuming that the drop of blood had a white blood cell you could test the DNA for the sex chromosomes.

How can you tell who yo baby daddy is?

Fraternity Test