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Yes, you can be sued if you owe money.

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Q: Can a bank take you to court if you owe money?
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nope because i dont owe him money nor do I even know the two of you.

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They take you to court

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Speaking from personal experience, they will take the money from the bank account that you signed up with regardless if the money is in there to cover it or not. If there is not enough money in the account then you will owe the bank money. If you don't pay the bank long enough they will take you to court, and you wont be able to open another bank account for a little while.

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You still owe money.

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Take a loan from the bank...........

Can an online payday loan company take you to court in South Carolina?

Yes. If you owe them they can go to court to get the money.

How can you collect if you own your home with someone else and they owe you money?

Ask them for the money that they owe you, or take them to small claims court. Good luck and God Bless:)

Can dss in Virginia have access to your bank account?

If they do it via a court order (e.g.: because of money you owe the state), yes, they can.

Can a bank freeze all your bank accounts after a repossession?

A bank can take the money you have held in its accounts if you owe it money. Even in a bankruptcy, you need to pull any money out of the banks you owe money to. NO, unless you give them permission to in the contract. I don't rem the term for it,its not vey common. That's why you have to actually READ the fine print in the contract you sign. Unless it is in the contract they can not do it..If they had a judgment that would be a different story. Then what they would have to do is, get a order of execution against the account then they would be able to take they money..actually the court officer would go and take its fee, and then take all the money from your account and freeze the account for 30 days....Bank levy....

If you owe a bank money what will happen?

It depends on how overdue you are on your payments and how much money you owe.

I just got summoned by a court for some money that I owe a bank what am I supposed to do?

You will need to attend the court hearing. You may want to hire a lawyer for this case.