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Technically, no. Legally, you can only buy a handgun within the state where you reside. However, you can pay for a handgun in another state, have it shipped to a dealer in your state, then pick it up at that dealer after the dealer performs a background check.

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Q: Can a NJ resident by a handgun at a pa gun show?
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Can a New Jersey resident buy a gun at a Pennsylvania gun show?

You can buy shotguns and rifles out of state, but not handguns. Also, some states have individual restrictions, so you should check NJ and PA law.

Can you get a gun licence in NJ at 18?

There are licenses and licenses. You can get a firearms owner's ID that will permit you to purchase and possess a rifle, shotgun or bb/ pellet gun at 18. A handgun permit is 21. A permit to CARRY a concealed handgun is 21.

How can you get NJ driving license if you are ny resident?

By becoming a NJ resident.

What is required to buy a gun at NJ gun show?

Contacty your local police for current information.

Is it legal to own a deceased family members handgun in NJ without having some form of written permission?

NJ requires licensing of handgun owners, and police approval of all transfer of ownership of handguns. You need to discuss transfer on an inherited handgun with the NJ State Police.

How can you get NJ driving license You are a NYC resident and you do not have any relative in NJ?

you can't

What state do I claim for unemployment if I live in NJ and work in NYC?

If tou are a resident of NJ, then you apply in NJ.

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Can you bring your handgun with you when you move to New Jersey?

Yes, but I believe NJ requires a Firearms ID card to possess firearms in the state. You should probably check with a local gun shop or police department to see what you need to do.

You live in ny and work in NJ were you pay state tax?

Both places. You file as a resident of NY, using that form, and as a non-resident in NJ, using that form (a 1040-NR I believe).

Do NJ gun licenses have to be renewed?


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