Bowling Green, KY is lcated in south Kentucky. It is located in Warren County. It is near Springfield, TN, Portland, TN, Elizabethtown, KY, and Nashville, TN.
175 miles
Caryville, TN is a little over halfway but you don't have to get off the interstate.
There are a couple of options. You can go into a gun shop and buy one. You can buy one from an individual, as long as the gun isn't stolen. You can order one over the internet and have it sent to a gunshop near you. In TN, you must be 18 to buy a shotgun or rifle, and 21 to buy a handgun.
90 miles
173 miles
what is 500 miles east of bardstown, ky
I've seen them bring $375.00 to $450.00 dollars at the gun shows recently around TN. Al. & Ky. If they are in excellent condition.
The highest elevation between Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY is located near Jellico, TN, at around 1,379 feet above sea level.