

Best Answer

No way...

facebook can only charge you when you need credit XD

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Q: Can a Facebook group charge you a fee to join?
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Can a group charge you a fee to join?


Should facebook charge a fee to join?

too late now they SHOULD have charged 10 dollars, but then again it wouldn't have gained the popularity it has now if they did so its a double edged sword

Is facebook goin to charge a fee?

No official news is leaked which states that Facebook will start charging fee from their users. Almost all the social networking websites are free of cost.

Is facebook going to start charging a fee?

Never going to happenFacebook will not charge users, however millions of users continue to be deceived. One Facebook group, "300,000 MEMBERS NEEDED TO STOP FACEBOOK FROM CHARGING £ 10.30 A MONTH", has successfully attracted over 474,000 users. Another group claims Facebook will begin charging on July 1st, but it's a flat out lie used as a way to drive thousands of users to the group.

Must an executor charge a fee?

No. They can choose to not charge a fee but that is up to the executor.No. They can choose to not charge a fee but that is up to the executor.No. They can choose to not charge a fee but that is up to the executor.No. They can choose to not charge a fee but that is up to the executor.

Is there a fee to join the askcom community?

No, there is no fee to join comunity . u can join it for free.

Is there a fee to use facebook?

no no fee...its all for free

Is there any subscription fee to join WikiAnswers?

No, there isn't a subscription fee to join WikiAnswers. All memberships with WikiAnswers are 100% free, no charge whatsoever. It only costs a little bit of your time to sign up and contribute to WikiAnswers, no payment. Plus, you don't 'subscribe' to WikiAnswers - you join the website with a membership.

Do you charge a fee?

WikiAnswers does not charge a fee to its members. Membership is free.

How much fee will be charge for an NSTP?

who much fee will be charge for an nstp component

Is there a fee for signing up for facebook?


Do all colleges charge an application fee?

No, there are many colleges that do not charge an application fee.