Yes if the A 5 is a Magnum.
Magnum versions are able to fire 3 inch cartridges.
Browning makes shotguns in both 2 3/4 inch, and 3 inch chamberings, or did the last time I looked at a catalog. Clearly, using 3 inch shells in a gun chambered for the 2 3/4 inch shells is not a good idea. If you must use the 3 inch magnums, get an A5 chambered and built for them.
Fabrique Nationale first started making the 12 gauge 3" Magnum A5s in 1958 and stopped in 1976. The 20ga mag was not introduced in the US until 1967. After Feburary 1976 A5 Magnums were made by Browning/Miroku in Japan. This production ended in 1998.
You need the services of a gunsmith
Recommend you have it examined by a gunsmith.
Depends on when it was made. Go to and ask.
This is a lightweight 20ga A5 made in 1966. The barrel should be marked for 2 3/4 shells. ***If the barrel is marked for 3" shells then it is not the original barrel. It is not safe to shoot 3" mag shells with the standard receiver.
Try online auctions.
How do you remove the breech block on a Browning A5 16ga shot gun
The .410 Browning A5 is an urban legend. Browninig never produced a .410 A5. No
I own a Browning A5, 12ga,Japan made shotgun, ser: 04078. what is it worth?
A5 refers to a shotgun.