Yes they can as long as you measure the proportion of the amount that an adult should take. If it says that an adult should take 1 tbsp. then the 9-year old would take .75 tbsp. or 3/4 tbsp.. However, if you really don't want to measure it, then its ok to just give them a tbsp. The only problem is waking them up for school in the morning!
Best of Luck,
P.S. This is not intended to be medical advice, this is simply experience based on having kids.
NO. To safely lose 100 lbs. would take roughly one year (at 2 lbs. per week). Losing 100 lbs. in 100 days (roughly 3 months) would certainly be dangerous to your health.
Gavin and Deb need to take the stairs.
Take your weight and subtract 1000 lbs.
70 lbs
Not safely; in 3 months you can lose 24 pounds safely. it is possible to lose 50 lbs in 3 months only if your really are detecated and serious to lose that much but it might be very hard. it also depends on how active you are.
Depends on the year. The older ones weigh more, especially if it's older than 10 years. But a safe guess is around 275 lbs, give or take 10 lbs for the year.
That is not possible to do safely. One to two pounds a week is a realistic goal. 10 lbs a week is NOT.
8 year old45 inches57.2 lbs.9 year old47 inches63.8 lbs.10 year old51 inches70.4 lbs.11 year old52 inches79.2 lbs.12 - 13 years old60 - 63 inches95 - 105 lbs.14 - 15 years old63 - 64 inches105 - 115 lbs.16 - 17 years old64 inches115 - 120 lbs.18 - 20 years old64 inches125 - 130 lbs.
it all depends on how much you weigh, to lose the pounds fast and safely, i would suggest doing half and hour of hard cardio everyday, also drink lots of water to help flush your system, hope that helps ;)
Eat healthy, and go exercise. Get into sport, it's harder to lose later on in life. So do it now, I'm 14 and I'm on my way to shedding some lbs(:
You should not eat anything........