If you are under age you are allowed to drink as long as your parents are home and have given you permission.
ys. but the 16 year can not drink even if the parents say they can. parents can not let there child break hte law
I say go for it
yeah it is , but why ? where would you/him/her go ? why doesnt that person just stay with their parents ?
As long as she has her parents' permission. Otherwise they need to live where their parents say.
Not as long as there are fit parents. They might agree to it if the parents are deceased.
if he doesnt want to meet ur parents that possibly means he doesnt love u and mabye u should tell him if he really loves u he will meet ur parents
around a year
If the drinking age is 21 then NO. It does not matter if they are your parents, if they are to buy you a alcoholic drink then they can go to jail for distributing to a minor.
Visit your local health clinic if you are in the US. Care is free and confidential, and they will help you. You will be OK.
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