There is nothing that would prevent it in Missouri. They are considered an adult and can enter into a contract.
In most cases, a parent cannot sign a lease on behalf of a 17-year-old. Most states require tenants to be 18 or older to enter into a legally binding contract such as a lease. However, some landlords may make exceptions if the parent is willing to co-sign the lease or provide additional guarantees.
No, the legal age of consent in Missouri is 17. Therefore, it would not be legal for a sixteen-year-old girl and a fifteen-year-old boy to have consensual sex in Missouri.
In Missouri, the legal age of consent is 17. Therefore, it is not illegal for a 30-year-old to date a 19-year-old in Missouri. However, it is important to consider the power dynamics and maturity levels in such a relationship to ensure it is healthy and consensual.
In Missouri, the age of consent is 17. Therefore, it would be considered illegal for an 18-year-old to date a 15-year-old. It is important to abide by the laws regarding age of consent to avoid any legal issues.
In many places, a 16-year-old is not legally able to enter into a rental agreement or live independently without a legal guardian. The 18-year-old sister may be able to rent the apartment, but may need to meet minimum income requirements and sign the lease agreement on her own. It's important to check the laws and regulations in your specific area regarding minors and renting properties.
no, because the lease-signer is a minor. Only adults can sign and be legally responsible for a lease.l
{| |- | No, they cannot sign the lease paperwork. They can certainly move into the apartment with the permission of the parents. And if the parents or boyfriend sign the lease, there should be no problems. |}
Until you are 18, or are legally emancipated, you won't be able to sign a binding contract for the lease. But the owner may accept the cosigner's signature.
No - they are not legally capable of signing a lease at 16. Legally for anyone to enter into a contract (which is what a lease is) they cannot sign unless they are at least 18 years of age.
In most cases, a parent cannot sign a lease on behalf of a 17-year-old. Most states require tenants to be 18 or older to enter into a legally binding contract such as a lease. However, some landlords may make exceptions if the parent is willing to co-sign the lease or provide additional guarantees.
A person must be of legal age to sign a contract. A lease on an apartment is a legal contract. So a 16-year old would not be able to sign this document.
Yes, you would be considered "legal"
Yes, if your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) sign off on the lease.
I learnt from a teacher that you could sign a retal agreement once you turn 16 and will be held responsible for the terms and conditions agreed upon the lease even though you are not legally considered an adult.
The legal age of adulthood in Chicago is 18, so, it would stand to reason that a 16 year old would not be legally able to sign a lease for an apartment.