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Actually I don't think that's legal anywhere besieds Amsterdam.

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Q: Can a 19 year old and a 15 year old be dating legally in Iowa?
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Is it legal for a 16 year old girl to date a 24 year old man in Iowa?

Dating is not illegal. Having sex is illegal. A 16 year old is not legally considered old enough to make the decision to have sex.

Can a 16 and a 19 year old legally date?

There are no laws about dating.

Can a 16 year old have a 19 year old boyfriend?

yes sixteen and a day you can legally start dating

Can a twenty year old guy date sixteen year old girl legally in Georgia?

No yes, there are no laws about dating.

Can a 15 year old date an 18 year old legally in Wyoming?

Dating is not illegal. Sexual contact would be.

Can a seventeen year old date a fourteen year old legally in Mississippi?

There are no restrictions on dating. There are restrictions on the age at which sexual activity may begin, but that is different from dating.

Is it illegal for a 19-year-old male to date a 16-year-old female in Iowa?

There are no laws about dating, only about sexual contact.

How old do you have to be to legally move out in Iowa?

You have to be an adult. That would be 18 in Iowa.

In The State Of Iowa Can I Being A Seventeen Year Old Mother Move Out Legally?

Only with parental consent.

Am I allowed to legally date a seventeen year old girl if I'm a fourteen year old girl in Orem Utah?

There is no prohibition on dating.

Can a 17 year old legally date a 13 year in the state of Nevada Will he be arrested if there dating?

As far as I know you can legally date a 13 year old if you are 17 but having a sexual relationship is a whole other story.

Can a 22 year old date a 17 year ol in Illinois legally?

Dating is not illegal. Having sex is illegal.