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À 17 year old cannot you havé to be 18 ors thé Law.

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18 years of age

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Q: Can a 17 yr old be a cashier where they sell cigarettes?
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Can a 17 year old smoke cigarettes if mother lets you?

No, it's still illegal. You must be 18.

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How old do you have to be to buy Black n mild?

You have to be of legal smoking age, the same as cigarettes.

What if a 24 year old woman gives marijuana to a 17 year old?

The 17 year old could use it, sell it, burn it ect.

Can a cop arrest or take your cigarettes from you at age 17 in illinois even if you are not smoking at the time?

Yes. You are not old enough to buy or posess.

Where is a job a 17 year old can get in sylacauga Alabama?

17 year olds who live in Sylacauga, Alabama may be able to work in grocery stores as a cashier. They may also work in restaurants as busboys.

4 cigarettes a day for 17 years?


What can of jobs is right for a 17 years old?

there are all kinds of jobs. delivering ( if you have a lisans) oil changing a waiter cashier telemarketer barber you can be a chef an electrition a plumber.

How can a 17-year-old get a job when no one will hire her because she has no work history?

Cashier, or work at a restaurant as a waitress or cleaning, and working at a fast food place. Good luck to you:)

In New York how much did cigarettes cost in 1962?


Is there any way to legally buy cigarettes at 17?

Move to Europe.

Can a 16 or 17 year old work at Walgreen's?

You have to be 16 to work as a sales clerk/photo specialist/beauty adviser, but to work in the pharmacy you'll have to be 18. The pharmacy does pay more though...