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If the parents give consent he can. As a minor he will need their consent for moving out. They are still responsible for what he is doing.

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9mo ago

In Illinois, a 17-year-old can live with an adult sibling if the sibling is willing to provide care and support for the minor. However, it is advised to consult with a legal professional to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to establish a suitable living arrangement.

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Q: Can a 17 year old live with an adult sibling in Illinois?
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Can you move to Indiana if you are 17 and live in Illinois?

No, a 17-year-old cannot legally move to Indiana from Illinois without parental consent or being emancipated by the courts. Minors are subject to the custody and control of their parents or legal guardians until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in both Illinois and Indiana.

Can you legally kick out an 18 year old in Illinois?

In Illinois, once someone turns 18, they are considered a legal adult and can legally be asked to leave their parent's home. However, it is advisable to follow proper legal procedures to avoid any potential legal issues. It's recommended to consult with a legal professional for guidance on the best way to handle this situation.

Can a 18 year old boy date a 16 year old girl in Illinois?

In Illinois, the legal age of consent is 17. Therefore, it is not legal for an 18-year-old to date a 16-year-old in Illinois as the 16-year-old is below the age of consent.

Can a 38-year-old woman date a 17-year-old man in Illinois?

No, in Illinois, the age of consent is 17. However, it is illegal for an adult over 18 to date or engage in any sexual activity with someone under 18. Any sexual relationship between a 38-year-old woman and a 17-year-old man would be considered illegal in Illinois.

Can you prevent a 18 year old male from leaving home to go live with his girlfriend in Illinois?

No, legally an 18-year-old is considered an adult and has the right to live independently. However, you can try to communicate openly with the individual and express your concerns. Offer your support and guidance, and encourage them to consider all aspects of their decision before making a final choice.

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I'm pretty sure you have to be 18 to move out. That is the legal age (to be considered an adult). 16- minor

Can a 16 year old drive a minor sibling to school in California?

if has a drivers permit and there is an adult with the 16 year old yes he can

Can an 18-year-old move from Illinois without the consent of one parent in order to live with their other parent?

Yes. An 18-year-old in Illinois is considered a legal adult and is no longer subject to the control of his or her parent(s) unless a court order is in effect that stipulates otherwise.

Can you move to Indiana if you are 17 and live in Illinois?

No, a 17-year-old cannot legally move to Indiana from Illinois without parental consent or being emancipated by the courts. Minors are subject to the custody and control of their parents or legal guardians until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in both Illinois and Indiana.

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If you are 12 dating a 16 year old is that illegal?

Not if you live in Texas. But that's only if the 16 year old is your older sibling...

Can a fourteen year old live with an eighteen year old?

If you mean as in a romantic relationship the answer is no. If you mean as in a sibling being the guardian and have custody of a younger sibling, yes it's possible but up to the court.

Can a 16 year old move out of the house in Illinois?

Yes, if they have parental permission. The key here is the age of majority, 18, in Illinois. If they are an adult, the parents are no longer responsible.

I have a 14 year old son that wants to live with me the father in Illinois what do I have to do?

see links

How much does the governor of Illinois make?

The current salary of the Illinois governor is $177,412.

You live in Illinois and dating a twentyone year old and your seventeen can your parents do anything to prevent this?

Of course they can. Until you turn 18, you're subject to the control and authority of your parents. If they say you can't date an adult, then you can't. And if do it anyway, there are several actions they can take against the adult. When you turn 18 you can date anyone you want.

Can an 18-year-old be forced to move back home if she runs away in Illinois?

No. As a legal adult at the age of eighteen, she can do as she wants unless she has special needs and is under the guardianship of another adult.