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not really becuz the 17 year old will soon be an adult while 13 year old is still being in their parents house.

Yes they can date but it's against the law to have sex if the 17 yr old will wait until the 13 yr old will be 18 2 have sex..... hey the world could end in a trillion years atleast be happy with someone who cares about u then die alone!

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Q: Can a 17 year old date a 13 year old?
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17 year old and 13 year date?


Is it illegal for a 17year old to date a 13 year old?

No its not illegal but a 13 and 17 to date but anyone under the age of 17 cant give consent to have sex. So if sexual activities were going on the 17 year old could be arrested for either rape or sexual misconduct. A 17 year old is way too old for a 13 year old. They need to date ones of their age!

Will Justin date a 13 year old when he is 17?

Possibly, but he is 16 not 17.

Can a 17 year old legally date a 13 year in the state of Nevada Will he be arrested if there dating?

As far as I know you can legally date a 13 year old if you are 17 but having a sexual relationship is a whole other story.

Is it illegal for a 13 and 17 year old 2 date?

probably not, technically a 17 year old isn't a legal adult so...

Is it ok if a 17 year old go's with a 13 year old in US?

Dating? To be honest, who the hell would date a 13 year old if your 17 year old? I think you should wait a few years. If there doing any physical ....... (you know what I mean) stuff, then the 17 year old can and will get arrested and of course jailed. If you think about it, a 13 year old is a very young age for even dating. If I was the parent, I would kick the 17 year old butt and ground the 13 year old for a few months.

Is it ok for a 13 year old to date a 17 year old person?

No. The standard creepiness rule is you can only date someone half your age plus seven years. So a 17 year old could not date anyone younger than 15-and-a-half (8.5 + 7), or older than 20, while a 13 year old can't date anybody. Wait until you're 14, then date a 14 year old.

Is it okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old?

It is okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old

Will selena gomez date anyone 13 year old?

Umm I wouldn't imagine it, she's 19. She gets called a peeddoo for dating a 17 year old, so I wouldn't think she would date a 13 year old kid.

Is it illegal for a 13 year old girl and a 17 year old boy to date in Missouri if the relationship is not sexual?

It is not illegal for a 13 year old and 17 year old to date/hang out together in Missouri. If it were every high school would have to close down. However, just because it is not illegal does not mean it cannot be prevented. As minor, a 13 year old girl can have restrictions placed on her by her parents or guardians.

Would ouis tomlinson date a 13 year old if he really knew you?

No. Louis has said the youngest he will date is 17

Is it ok if a 13 year old go's out with a 17 year old?

It is not illegal for them to date. Any sexual contact could be illegal depending on the laws in your state or country. And there is only one reason that a 17 year old is going to want to go out with a 13 year old and that is illegal.