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I am not a parent, but I think if the Fourteen year old is responsible enough, they should be able to look after their five year old sibling.

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Q: Can a 14 year old look after a 5 year old sibling?
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If your parents are not taking care of your sibling, you can petition the court for custody. If this is not done, your parents can have the cops remove your sibling from your home.

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Yes, but only for a short while. If other relatives aren't there then it's okay. You should find other relatives to go to if your parents aren't there.

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You should look for someone older, not younger or closer than age. There's a lot of maturing in those 3 years that a 14 year old will not have.

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By then it will start to look like a woman's

How old do you have to be to babysit a sibling?

Well my brother started when he was like 14-15. So most likely 14-15.