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There are no laws for dating so if the parents say you can, you can. For sex you have to have reached age of consent in your state though.

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Q: Can a 14 year old go out with a 16 year old?
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Is it wrong for a 14 year old to go out with a 16 year old?


Is it illegal for a 16 year old to go out with a 14 year old?

Of course not !!

Is it illegal for a 16 year old to kiss a 14 year old?

Laws regarding the age of consent vary by jurisdiction. In some places, there may not be any legal issue with a 16-year-old kissing a 14-year-old, as long as it is consensual and does not involve any other sexual activity. However, it is important to be aware of the laws in your specific location.

Should a 14 year old girl go out with a 16 year old boy?

sure why not?

Is it all right for a 14 year old to go out with a 16 year old?

Yes, it is perfectly okay.

Can an 14 go out with a 16 year old?

in most states yes

Is it ok for a 16 year old to go with a 14 year old?

Yes, as long as you wrap it before you tap it.

What time should a 14 year old boy go to bed in the holidays?

have a 14 year old son and 16 year old son. As its the holidays though i let them go to bed whenever realy but no later than 11.30pm.

Is it ok for a 14-year-old guy to go out with a 16-year-old girl?

no because that is huge age difference for a girl and a boy

Can a almost 16 year old guy an a 14 year old go out?

Ya if the guy understand that she has different boundaries and he doesn't pressure her

Can a 16 year old girl go out with a 14 year old guy?

There are no boundaries for relationships, however, a couple, to have sex, must be both over 16 for it not to be legally considered rape.

Can a 16 year old girl in SC go to jail for having relations with a 14 year old boy?

It would certainly be possible. The age of consent is 16 in South Carolina.