it isn't wrong but make sure you really like/love this girl/boy enough to date him. I mean age shouldn't matter if you really like someone or if you love them. Don't get age in the way. Its just careful since they have a lot of experience than you and just be might using you. if you feel like there's something to him/her about it and don't hesitate to break up because it would be harder later on.
It is not advisable for a 13-year-old to engage in romantic or physical relationships with a 16-year-old due to potential legal implications and maturity differences. It's important for individuals to seek relationships with peers closer to their own age to ensure healthy and appropriate interactions.
Some people in today's society thing this is ok. I, on the other hand, do not thinks its appropriate. It doesn't matter how much we teach our kids about Birth Control they're going to do what they want anyway. They can also find a place to do what they want to do no matter how many restrictions you put on them. I think I would tald to the boy's parent and see what they are comfortable with. Maybe some strict guidelines should be put in place, such as an earlier curfew and checking in from time to time. The other thing I would be asking myself is: am "I" ready to help raise a grandchild, should she end up pregnant.
Wrong, stupid and likely illegal. The years from 13 to 17 are years that bring giant change in every part of your body and mind and the relationship would be poor at best.
The 17 year old will be forced to hide the relationship or suffer huge amounts of abuse from people his age and at school. He will not be able to bring the girl to any school function, share homework, or do almost any other 'public' activity; and a relationship that doesn't allow 'public' activity can have few legitimate purposes.
*You and you're dream boy are 3 years apart. Most people would think it's wrong for a 13 year old to be kissing/dating a 16 year old, plus when he turns 18 it will be illegal for you two to have a relationship together.
*But if a 20 year old kisses/dates a 23 year old, it doesn't seem wrong, because they're both adults and not minors. And plus it's legal, and not abnormal.
* I don't know, what do you think? If you really love this boy, go for it. Just like Laura Ingalls from Little House On The Prarie. ;) But I would wait until you're in High School just like him. Or people might think you're freaks.
No, it isn't Illegal, KISSING IS NOT ILLEGAL, but some may not think it is Socially Aceptable..
A 16-year-old and a 13-year old can go to the cinema, or a restaurant, or hold hands, or probably kiss, in most countries. As for what they might do as a couple in private, that would be against the law in most countries and your mate could be investigated.
If the boy is under the age of consent it's illegal so no. Apart from that there are no health reasons to kiss or not to kiss for someone 33 years old. Would probably have more of an impact on the 16 year old.
There are no laws against any kind of kissing. If an 16 year old has sex with a 13 year old, then the 16 year old can be charged with rape, but that's only because this person is of age and the 13 year old isnt. Kissing is perfectly fine. Depends on which state you are in. Kissing is seen as a sexual act in some and therefor not allowed. Holding hands as well.
I lol'd
If the boy is under the age of consent it's illegal so no. Apart from that there are no health reasons to kiss or not to kiss for someone 33 years old. Would probably have more of an impact on the 16 year old.
Well, what happens is this. A 13 and 16 year old have a baby and their parents end up raising it!
No, wait until they are at least 16!
12 year olds have 'crushes' and unless the 16 year old wasn't expecting it, then it's a no-no! Both are minors, but, the 16 year old would still be held somewhat responsible because they should know better.
No. The 16 year old, depending on where they live, are at the age of consent and could get into trouble going out with a 13 year old. In some states the age of consent is 16 while in others it is 18. This makes a difference. Either way the 13 year old is considered a minor child and it is illegal for them to date.