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a 13 year old would NOT go to an adult jail, however, if he/she committed a crime and found guilty, then the would go to juvenile detention centre for the time, if the crime was so severe, they would go until the age of 21 then on to a jail for adults.

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Q: Can a 13 year old go to jail for three years?
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No he can go to jail.

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Actually it depends on what state your in, and if the 15 year old claims the person as the father or if anyone even asks, or decides to press charges. In some states there is a amount of years that is allowed, in Maryland the limit is three years difference.

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Of course not, it's only 2 years older.

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depends on what state

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Laws vary from location to location. But a 13 year old can not legally consent, they could find themselves in jail for a few years for just 'touching' but if there was further contact it could be longer and even life.

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No, You will be arrested and Sent to Juvenile Detention, You have to be 13 to go to jail

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like 25 to 45 years tops

What happens if your 80 and did it with a 13 year old?

You need to go to jail for the few remaining years that you have left.

Can an 18th year old go to jail if he gets his girlfriend pregnant that is 16th years old?

It depends if the parents prosecute, but yes.