It's a bit tricky. Presently you are both minors and in the same legal category, but in another 2 years, if you are still dating, then it will be a 15 year old dating an 18 year old, which is a minor dating an adult, and that doesn't look good.
Everything considered, I would recommend dating someone closer to your own age. Even though 3 years is usually not a very big age difference in adults, for example who are 22 and 25 years old, but it is a big difference in maturity during that age of life in teens.
lol yes
Yes. Both are minors
No I don't see why it would be
No, but do it anyways.
Possibly, but he is 16 not 17.
yes, as long as you don't take advantage.
no it's creepy If you like the 16 year old and they like you back then go right ahead its your chose
Dating is OK; sex is not.
sure. who cares aobut age difference.
Justin bieber can date 13 thru 16 year old girls
No. It is illegal. Depending on the state where you live the age of consent is 16 and in others it is 18, so a 13 year old is below the age of consent to date in any state.