Yes, minors in Minnesota have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent; however, the physician may choose to notify the teen's parents. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.
depends what country you live in.. where i am from you must be 16 years of age to get birth control without a parent, if you have a parent with you they should give you the birth control pill any time after you have had your first period
You can get birth control without a parent in 25 states, including Massachusetts, Illinois, etc. The full list is available on
you can go to a health clinic such as tapestry health and you may purchase it there with out your parent/ guardian knowing
Any age, along with STI testing and birth control.
Yes, teens in Massachusetts have the explicit right to get birth control without parental consent. A statewide program pays for these services. You can see your pediatrician, women's health care provider, or local family planning agency to access these services. The family planning agency will likely know about opportunities for you to get free or low-cost services as well.
Hi my name is Xavier and the last time I checked you can get birth control at 17 without a parent because you are pretty much grown at this age, its just official at age 18. They have places like plan parenthood and other resource that provide birth control, condoms, and friendly conversation. If you are asking for yourself I am proud of you for wanting birth control, cause at your age I had gave birth to my first child!
yes very much so, unless you want to become a parent, then birth control is going to get in the way...
I'm not positive how much this varies in different municipalities, however, planned parenthood programs are permitted to give birth control without parental consent. Try this link
In most cases, a non-biological parent cannot adopt a child without the birth parent's consent. The birth parent's signature is typically required for the adoption to proceed unless their rights have been terminated by the court due to specific reasons, such as abandonment or unfitness.
Birth control is available in all 50 states without parental consents.
About 90% of women can get pregnant after a month without birth control.
Yes but you dont get pregnant on your period even without birth control.