Two words:Act mature!
I suggest you try someone closer 2your age
What ever height you are or becomeAnswerwhen i was 11 i had like a height for like a 13 year old and i was 5'5 or 5'4
the average 13 year old should get £13 per week the average 12 year old £12 the average 11 year old £11 ect
It depends on the relationship the two have and how responsible the 13 year old is. If the 13 year old is very responsible and the 11 year old will follow his/her directions it should be fine, but if they argue and the 11 year old won't listen I would suggest an older babysitter would be better.
No an 11 year old can't have a Bebo. Bebo is for 13 years old and over.
if your 13 you should only date about 2 years difference like an 11 year old and up to 15 but not any farther younger but maybe up to 17 but not more.
Yes, it is possible (depending on how developed the girl is, of course), for an 11-year-old boy to get a 13-year-old girl pregnant.
is there virtual worlds for 11-13 years old