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take it from me.. i tried dating and doing that at the same age and all I got was a slap in the face for a go at a french kiss. and for the part with dating at that age ..... lets just say it wasn't the "best" choice i made. so just wait till your in 7th grade THEN GO FOR IT! besides all you can lose is your dignity .__.

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Q: Can a 11 year old girl kiss a 11 year old boy french style?
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Is it right for an 11 year old to french kiss a girl?

Sure, if you want to and she's open to it, there is no reason not to kiss her, but make sure the girl wants to and respect that she may not always want to kiss or what have you.

Can a ten year old boy french kiss a ten year old girl if they both want to do it?

of course if you dont tell yr parents

How do you kiss an 11-year- old girl?

The same way you would kiss any other girl.

How do you kiss an 11 year old girl?

The same way you would kiss any other girl.

Can a 9 year old girl kiss a 9 year old boy videos?

No if u want a kiss ..... kiss a stuffed animal!

Should you ask your 11 year old BF to french kiss or just kiss him?

11 year old kids shouldn't even be dating! French kissing is totally off limits! As an 11 year old, I think you shouldn't french kiss or kiss him. You're too young to even be going on dates. Slow down, you have your whole life ahead of you.

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Just kiss her like you would usally to a girl same or younger than you

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The film "Kiss Girl" does not exist, one may be thinking of the film "Kiss The Girls." The film "Kiss The Girls" was released on October 3, 1997 in the U.S.

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Boy: Just go with the flow! Girl: Don't!! Unless you know the guy really well!

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With their lips.