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yes you can start at the age of 9

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Q: Can a 11 year old get there period?
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Can an 11-year-old give birth?

yes, if she has a period.

Can an 11 year old get pargnet while she is not on her period?

no! She can't

What does it mean for a 11 year old to ejacalatet?

They have or will start there period

Why do 11 year olds get pimple?

11 years old grils get pimples when the have their period.

When will nine year old get her period?

Most young girls generally get their first period when they're 11+ years old.

Can a 10 year old have s period?

Yes, its possible but most peoples periods starts at 11-13 yrs

Is it healthy for a 11 year old to have her period?

yes! there is no need to worry most girls start their period at the age of 11 or 12

Could a 11 year old girl get pregnant?

If she has had her period before, then yes

Is it normal for an 11 year old to not get there period the day they should?

depends on the person

Can an 11 year old girl get pregnant with out having her period yet in a swimming pool?


Can a 13 year old boy get a 11 year old girl prengent?

it depends if the girl has started her period and the boys balls have dropped

Can a 11 year old get pregnant by a 15 year old?

Yes, if a girl has a period and the boy has started to ejaculate pregnancy is most certainly possible.