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yes depending how they were raised or if they start puberty early and were exposed to the wrong things during that time me I am

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Q: Can a 10 year old be a bisexual?
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Is it okay for a 16-year-old to be bisexual?

yes perfectly fine :)

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There is no real way to tell. The only way to know is to talk to him.

Can 10 yrs.olds be bisexual?

well 10 is usually around age where kids are curious. Personally I was curious at that age and i experimented with a friend. But I dont think I was old enough to call myself bisexual

What year was a 10 year old born in?

10 year old was born in 2000.

Is 109 good on an IQ test if your 10 year old?

Yes. It is very good. Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old Thats realy good for a 10 year old

How to get 400 pounds for a 10 year old?

It is physically impossible for a 10 year old to weigh 400 pounds if the 10 year old is healthy.

Who is more awesome a 10 year old girl or a 51 year old dad?

a 10 year old girl

Can a 10 year old ride a pocketbike?

no the 10 year old is too big

Will a 10 year old in a kindergartn class behave like a 10 year old or a kindergaetner?

The 10 year old will most likely act like they normally do

You are a 30 year old female and you have a feeling that your 44 year old bisexual male friend likes you Is that possible?

* Yes it is possible. People who choose to be bisexual like both sexes. However, if you like this person and decide to have a relationship with them it would be wise to use a condom against sexually transmitted diseases.

What is normal respiration for an 10 year old?

a normal respiration of a 10 year old is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

Can a 10-year-old be with a 20-year-old?

No it is illegal