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if it fires a live pin fire cartridge, yes it can kill. pin fire cartridges are no longer made.....

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Q: Can Pinfire pistols kill a person?
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When was Shoot to Kill - X-Pistols album - created?

Shoot to Kill - X-Pistols album - was created on 2011-01-18.

Can pistols kill you?

yes they can if you aim it at your head.

What type of pistols were made in the 1850s?

The most popular types were "ball and cap" percussion arms and would have included single shot- and two shot- pistols. The Deringer (with one D) was popular, and the "pepperbox" pistol was being replaced by Colt's revolver, patented in 1836. However, the pinfire cartridge had been introduced in Europe, and the .22 Rimfire in the US- these cartridge arms would begin to replace the "ball and cap" firearms.

Where do you buy a 2mm pinfire gun?

AT, but also some gun show, pawn shop, want ad, for sale ad, garage sale, estate sale, Also try Pinfire Guns dot com

Inventor of the first repeating pistol?

There have been multiple versions of repeating pistols created by different persons over the years- so no ONE person can really be credited with this. They have included revolvers, pepperboxes, autoloading pistols, bar pistols, multiple barreled pistols, turret pistols, etc. While Samuel Colt is generally credited with the invention of the revolver, there were revolving and twist style pistols made long before his creation.

Inventor of the repeating pistol?

There have been multiple versions of repeating pistols created by different persons over the years- so no ONE person can really be credited with this. They have included revolvers, pepperboxes, autoloading pistols, bar pistols, multiple barreled pistols, turret pistols, etc. While Samuel Colt is generally credited with the invention of the revolver, there were revolving and twist style pistols made long before his creation.

Where can you find ammo for 36 cal belgium pinfire pistol?

Try Old Western Scrounger

What kind of guns do the mohican use?

At the time (mid-1800s), pinfire cartridge rifles were popular.

Do you need a permit for a 2mm pinfire gun?

yes you have to complete 15 tests to get it. 10 are multiple choice

How do you get level4 pistols in fusion fall?

Easy,Complete certin missions or kill level 4 monsters sometimes buy at weaponirs.

I need easy weapons like pistols machines guns etc on fallout 3 where can you get them?

you can kill people for them, u can buy them, u can steal them.

Is Johnny Napalm a real person?

no.but he is based on the lead singer of the sex pistols johnny rotten