Prepaid credit cards work exactly like the traditional unsecured credit cards. Make sure that you know what your credit limit is. Your credit limit will be what you send into them. You can use them just like a credit or debit card to get hotel rooms, gas, or whatever else you may need.
Ah, isn't that a happy little question! Credit cards starting with 5534 are typically issued by MetaBank. Remember, it's important to always protect your personal information and use your credit card responsibly. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, managing your finances requires patience and attention to detail.
You need to start with a secured credit card. As long as you place a minimum security deposit of $200 you are guaranteed approval for a secured card. In addition, after you place the security deposit a secured credit card works in an identical way as a regular credit card. The only difference is that when you close your account and assuming you are not late on any of your payments you get back your security deposit :) Do not confuse secured credit cards with prepaid cards. Prepaid cards or prepaid credit cards are debit cards that are for people that do not want to get a traditional checking account with their bank. Finally, you do not build credit by having a prepaid card but you build credit by having a secured credit card. I went to a jewelery shop (Crescent Jewelers) and I bought jewelery and they asked if I wanted to pay in payments. I applied and it helped me a get a credit card down the road. If you don't want jewelery try buying a gas card (not prepaid) or something small and simple. And don't miss the obvious card, your bank! (they should have one.) Virtually any adult can apply for a credit card. You will need your name, date of birth, address, and social security number. However, just because you apply for a credit card does not mean you will be approved. You must have a co-signer to add you as an authorize user to establish a form of credit. From their your credit will take some time to build up. I have never had a cosigner. A good spot for a first card is a place like Orchard Bank or some department store card. You will receive a low limit at first and with quick payment and responsible use, you will have a good credit report in no time.
Discover bank is best known for their credit card services. But they are the same as a traditional bank offering savings accounts, investment certificates and online banking.
Nothing, Visa is just a brand name for credit cards. Just like MasterCard, Discover, etc.
Several credit card companies like Capitol One are now offering services to customer who need a credit card but have a bad credit history. These service include the ability to obtain a prepaid credit card that works just like a normal credit card.
Yes.Pre-paid Credit/Debit cards work just like regular cards.
Prepaid credit cards are essentially the same as debit cards, just with a credit card company name attached. You only get to spend the amount you have deposited, or you may go over by a set amount but then you start having to pay fees.
Although the cards can be used in the same way, there are some significant differences in prepaid and regular credit cards. With a regular credit card, you make your purchases on credit and then pay your bill later. If you do not pay the bill in full each month, or are late making a payment, there will be fees accrued in the form of interest and late fees. With a prepaid credit card, you deposit money much the same way you would with a checking or savings account. Then when you use your prepaid credit card, the charges are deducted from your balance. When you start to run low on your balance, you can just deposit more money in your account. In this way, prepaid credit cards operate much the same as debit cards. You will probably have to pay an initial fee to set up your prepaid credit card account, but after that you avoid the possibility of interest and late fee charges. This is also a good way to rebuild your credit if you have had financial difficulties in the past.
Some cash cards can be set to automatically be 'filled up' from your credit card, and others act just like prepaid or reloaded cards. Look into the card specifics to be sure.
Virtually every consumer has received countless credit card offers in the mail, and a number of them were most likely were for prepaid credit cards. The idea is fairly basic and simply entails an individual loading money onto a card and being able to use it anywhere that a traditional Visa or Mastercard is accepted. While these types of revolving accounts have typically been seen as options most suitable for individuals with bad credit, the truth is that they can be very effective financial tools for other people as well. Before deciding that prepaid credit cards are unnecessary, consumers should consider the following possible purposes. Many parents are concerned when their children begin to drive and would like to provide them with a card for gas or emergencies, but few people are prepared to give teenagers access to a large credit line. Drivers under 18 are not legally supposed to have a traditional credit card, but prepaid credit cards can be used by almost anyone and can be a great solution. Individuals that like to shop online are sometimes nervous about sharing their credit card information, so using prepaid credit cards can be an excellent way to limit the chance of fraud or misuse. Many vendors that require the use of a card cannot tell if the method of payment is actually a prepaid credit card. Some companies are very reluctant to borrow money or establish open credit lines that employees may have access to, so prepaid credit cards can be used for business purposes as well. Many organizations use them as gas cards and can rest assured knowing that their employees cannot spend more than a certain amount. Lost or stolen cards can easily be cancelled, but will still limit the loss if they are not frozen in time. Consumers with bad credit have already learned to appreciate the value of prepaid credit cards, but the purposes of these products is limitless and should be considered by other potential clients as well. These above scenarios are just a few examples, but any individual can certainly think of more uses.
Ah, isn't that a happy little question! Credit cards starting with 5534 are typically issued by MetaBank. Remember, it's important to always protect your personal information and use your credit card responsibly. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, managing your finances requires patience and attention to detail.
I had the same issue....Luckily there is a very easy answer. You buy a prepaid credit card. Buying prepaid credit card requires no personal information of any kind so parents have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is: If your in Canada then you can go to Shoppers Drug Mart If in America then go to a large store like walmart or something and walk up to a cashier and ask for a prepaid credit card. They come in different sizes, so i think you have to get the 25$ one since its the smallest. All you do is pay them for just over 25$ and you get a prepaid credit card that works anywhere including the playstation network. NOTE:Dont forget you have to register the credit card online......when your registering, the numbers on the prepaid credit card may be confusing but just play around with the numbers and eventually you will get it. Hope I helped PS: If you have gift cards to a specific place like a mall or walmart, you can use the gift cards to get prepaid credit cards which you can then use anywhere.
Just picture it like a gift card. If you have $100 on it, you can spend $100. If you spent $75, you will have $25 left over. Most prepaid cards let you load more money on them as well.
yes. just tell the redbox its a credit card, then just swipe your debit card.An Opposing Answer:A credit card is not the same as a debit card, and vice versa. If you process a debit card as a credit card when that debit card is not encoded as an alternative credit card, the transaction will fail.
Discover bank is best known for their credit card services. But they are the same as a traditional bank offering savings accounts, investment certificates and online banking.
You need to start with a secured credit card. As long as you place a minimum security deposit of $200 you are guaranteed approval for a secured card. In addition, after you place the security deposit a secured credit card works in an identical way as a regular credit card. The only difference is that when you close your account and assuming you are not late on any of your payments you get back your security deposit :) Do not confuse secured credit cards with prepaid cards. Prepaid cards or prepaid credit cards are debit cards that are for people that do not want to get a traditional checking account with their bank. Finally, you do not build credit by having a prepaid card but you build credit by having a secured credit card. I went to a jewelery shop (Crescent Jewelers) and I bought jewelery and they asked if I wanted to pay in payments. I applied and it helped me a get a credit card down the road. If you don't want jewelery try buying a gas card (not prepaid) or something small and simple. And don't miss the obvious card, your bank! (they should have one.) Virtually any adult can apply for a credit card. You will need your name, date of birth, address, and social security number. However, just because you apply for a credit card does not mean you will be approved. You must have a co-signer to add you as an authorize user to establish a form of credit. From their your credit will take some time to build up. I have never had a cosigner. A good spot for a first card is a place like Orchard Bank or some department store card. You will receive a low limit at first and with quick payment and responsible use, you will have a good credit report in no time.
Now a days we don't need credit cards anymore for playing online games. You can just get a prepaid game card and get access to online games.