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Possible if you took no protection and were ovulating.

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Q: Can I be pregnant 2 weeks after a miscarriage?
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Can you have a miscarriage when you are 2 weeks pregnant?


If I'm 2 weeks pregnant can i have a miscarriage?


What if you had intercourse after 2 weeks of a miscarriage?

There are those who start ovulate this early so you can get pregnant.

Can you be 3 weeks pregnant and have a miscarriage?


Can you have a miscarriage at 4 weeks?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at 4 weeks I have hade a miscarriage at 2 weeks.

If you had a dc 6 weeks ago and just recently had your first period 2 weeks ago How soon after that can you get pregnant and will symptoms start showing sooner or is it still from a miscarriage?

You can get pregnant NOW, it is not still from the miscarriage. If you feel like it, go for it.

Can you have a miscarriage while being 3 weeks pregnant?

yes,miscarriage is a great risk of a 3 week pregnant woman.

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Is it possible to get pregnant 3 weeks after a miscarriage?


Can you be pregnant again two weeks after miscarriage?


What are the chances of pregnancy after a miscarriage?

Im living proof! I had a miscarriage on march25th and found out I was pregnant on april19th.. I'm currently 6 weeks pregnant confirmed by ultrasound today:) 5/2/2011

If had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago at 7 weeks pregnant but you still feel the same am bloated constantly could you still be pregnant?

If the doctor examined you after the miscarriage you are not pregnant anymore. He would've caught it. It takes several weeks for the hormones to settle so that might be it or you are pregnant again.