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NO. It is too long. If you mean 7.62x54R, the R means RIMMED- .308 is rimless. Two totally different rounds from different centuries. 308 is 7.62x51

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Q: Can 7.62X54 caliber military be shot in civilian 308 rifles?
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FN made hundreds of different caliber rifles, pistols & shotguns both military & civilian. Need more info. Be specific.

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Several dozen different rifles- it is a very popular caliber for hunting, target shooting, and military use,

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It is the caliber of the cartridge used by Great Britain for many years in their military rifles. It is a rimmed cartridge.

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The M16 rilfe used by the US military is caliber 5.56mm x 45mm. This is SIMILAR to, but not exactly the same as the .223 cartridge. The civilian variations of the AR-15 style rifles are in several calibers including 7.62 NATO and 7.62 Soviet

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Due to demands of the war, very few civilian firearms were made in England in 1944. Makers were producing the .303 caliber #4 Mk1 rifle, and the #5 Carbine. A small number of the SMLE rifles were converted to .22 rimfire weapons (military trainers). Search Wikipedia for the term SMLE for some good information.

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"No, 7.92 is German military caliber for WW 2 and earlier Mauser rifles." Actually, 7.92x57 is the same thing as the 8MM Mauser, if that's what the person was asking.

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Terni was the national armory for Italy, and made rifles in 3 different calibers. 6.5mm, 7.35mm, and 8mm Mauser. You will need a gunsmith to examine yours to tell you what caliber. Some military surplus rifles were rechambered to other calibers.

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