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Depends on weight, age, and history plus amount of smoking it. If your huge and smoke a lot no way... If you have high metabolism you have a chance.

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Q: Can 1 puff of marijuana stay in urine longer than 2 days?
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When Smoking one puff of marijuana a couple of days a week how long will it stay in you system for a urine test?

according to the federal government it takes 28 days for any amount of pot to leave your system

Flush marijuana when pregnant?

You may be able to reach a point where the mother's urine/blood no longer shows positive, but not the baby's. Each puff created chromosomal damage in the baby's DNA.

What is a puff of marijuana called?

A hit.

Can a puff of marijuana be detected?


If you had one puff of marijuana will you test positive on a urine sample in two days?

it shouldn't plus depends on your weight, your daily activity, and amount of fluids u take. i was able to clean out my system in 2 days once. nothing but water and beer and i used regularly and was about 50 pounds overweight.

Can you puff a marijuana and not inhale just blow out and be detected?


If a thin person has one puff of marijuana only once in a month how long to you have to wait to have a drug test?

The answer would be approximately 7-10 days The answer would be approximately 7-10 days

If you drink a lot of water and cranberry juice will one puff of marijuana show on a pee test?

No, but who takes one puff.

How long is the window for detection of marijuana after is single puff of marihuana in a comprehensive screen?

15 days or less. It's also possible that such a small amount would not show up.

Will one puff of marijuana show up on a drug screen after a few days?

Yes. A few puffs at one time, the THC will fade 20-35 days. Thc is released slowly because it is stored in our fat cells.

What is the proper use of Marijuana?

MARIJUANA ETIQUETTE: puff puff pass is a MYTH Take one hit, pass to your left. never smoke the headies before the middies. \ never smoke gravity bong after smoking a lot. you will fall asleep.

Can one puff of weed kill you if im not used to it?

No, you cannot overdose on marijuana as long as it is not laced with anything else.