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Q: Calories in fried KFC leg piece?
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How many calories in fried chicken leg?


How many calories in church's fried chicken?

thigh 330 leg 110 wing 300 breast 280 (original) spciy add about 50 more calories per piece

How many calories in fried chicken leg without skin?

around 150

How many calories in breast of fried chicken?

In cooked chicken (such as roasted, grilled or broiled) there are:approximately 462 calories in 2 cups of chopped/diced breastapproximately 534 calories in 2 cups of chopped/diced leg meat.

How much calories are in cow leg?

The amount of calories in a cow leg is dependent upon the size of the cow leg and how it is prepared for consumption. An entire cow leg may contain as much as 10,000 calories.

How many calories are in a roasted chicken leg?

A roasted chicken leg typically contains around 200-250 calories.

How many Calories are burned when doing leg lifts?

(wieght in lbs) x (.096)= ( calories burned per min) x ( total min worked out) = calories burned

Does bouncing your leg burn calories?

Yes. About 10 an hour.

Can you burn calories by shaking your leg all day?

Yes. You can burn calories just sitting on the couch. That is if you are not feeding your face. Minimal calories burned though.

How many calories in grilled chicken drumstick and thigh?

Calories in grilled chicken drumstick and thighYou can grill it with the skin on and then remove the skin before eating. In plain grilled (skin removed before eating) there will be:approx 181 (excluding bone ) in one average size chicken leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 200 calories in 3½, or 100g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)approx 57 calories in 1 ounce, 28g, of dark meat such as leg (thigh and drumstick)there are slightly more calories in the thigh than the drumstick.For the calorie content of vegetables and fruit to serve with chicken, and fruit and vegetable calorie charts, which you print out if you wish to and use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many calories per hour do you burn by standing on one leg rather than two?

You can burn a couple hundred calories.

What's a leg ornament?

A leg ornament is an accessory or piece of jewelry that is worn on the leg for decorative purposes. It can include items such as anklets, leg chains, or garters.